Skateboard, Cult, VHS, 90’s, Classic, Skate, Culture; VHS Tapes – we have a bunch of different copies for sale in good used condition – email for list…..
411 was the equivalent of the internet for three quarters of the ’90s. That’s a big deal. Who didn’t like how random the 60/40 commercials were, or fast forward some spot check on a clunky park in Germany, or losing it anytime Sal Barbier addressed us via “The Grapevine”? For real, when he announced that Goodtimes Intelligence Agency was giving away a trip to Hawaii, he was genuinely puzzled–you can’t script that. By the way, who won that trip and what did it entail? Did you get to hang out with Carl Carpenter?
Having a steady stream of video showing up at your local shop made you feel connected and let more scenes shine, instead of exclusively seeing more footage of “some guy with a backwards fitted” somewhere in California. Being able to see what was going on in Love, Pulaski, or New York, in what felt like realtime completely changed the world’s view of the East Coast, inspiring people from everywhere to check out the spots. Ultimately that was a good look for everyone.